viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

The Simpsons!

I think that this tv program has something that is quite agreeable, what I mean with this is that you can watch an episode and enjoy it, is not something boring and also has a lot of topics, so whatever you’ve thinking about, they have already done, that’s the reason of why there are some episodes that people think are something they have predicted.

Resultado de imagen para the simpsons angry dad

           Homer, Angry Dad.

So according to the serie, the character that I like the most is Bart. What I think about him is that is one of the characters who has more chances and possibilities to do whatever he wants, just because is a kid and also has some good ideas. For example, the episode when Bart has his own tv serie about Homer called Angry dad, and I like this one because Homer is trying to not get angry and being healthy, and Bart goes on the contrary of this, by trying to get his dad furious.
Also the reason of why I really like Bart is because this character has not only a part which is funny and who is still being a kid, but Bart also looks like a boy who is interest in others topics and even he is empathy in some cases.

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

The best concert ever

Well, by the name that appears at my blog, maybe you could have the clue that I like Justin Bieber. Therefore, as a true fan, I went to two of his concerts here and the one that I enjoyed the most was the second, on November 12th of 2013, at the Estadio Nacional.
So at this part of his life, he was pretty famed, that is the reason why the stadium was full and the atmosphere there was very pleasant. I mean, during the day I was outside of the stadium waiting to get in there and you could even feel the expectation in all the girls and boys that were there. However, when the doors were opened the chaos began. I was with a friend and we had tickets to be in the grounds, so as a common knowledge, you need to be the first one to get in there so you can see the artist, that’s the reason why we start to run.
We got there and stood for a long while waiting for the beginning of the concert, until Justin came out. I remember singing all the songs ‘till the end of it. This concert is one of the remarkable memories that I have.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

A country I would like to go

The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

I would like to travel and visit the United States, particularly the New York City, just because I would like to visit many places there, for example, the Central Park, the MoMA Museum, Washington Square Park and Times Square and even maybe go to a concert there.
This part of the country is truly recognize around the world, just because it has some fantastic buildings and I would like to visit them. And specifically to get around the city, because when I read the book of Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, I just can’t stop thinking about how all those places has changed through all those years and even how they keep changing.
That is one of reasons of why I would like to stay there for a while, maybe study all those changes and how they help us to understand how the city works and the ways that we can keep improving the course that cities can develop in a better way.

Times Square
Central Park
Washington Square Park

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

REFLECTION TIME: Why would you choose studying in Santiago?

When we think about studying here, in Santiago, we can’t avoid to think that is the only place which is a capital center and has a lot of history. I mean, is a cultural place where you can find the most interesting sites to visit and spend your time, although this capital has a lot of educational centers compared with the others regions of the country, that’s the reason of why a lot of people needs to come here to get a “good” education, they can’t do this in their own home.
In the same point of view, we can notice that the same thing is happening as an international way, lots of people goes out of the country to study in other places where they can find a better education.
However, this is also a good way to learn about other cultures and to get to know more places.  

Post 10: The last one!

So, in this last post, we’re gonna comment about how has been this experience about learning english at university. And a method that is u...