viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

The best concert ever

Well, by the name that appears at my blog, maybe you could have the clue that I like Justin Bieber. Therefore, as a true fan, I went to two of his concerts here and the one that I enjoyed the most was the second, on November 12th of 2013, at the Estadio Nacional.
So at this part of his life, he was pretty famed, that is the reason why the stadium was full and the atmosphere there was very pleasant. I mean, during the day I was outside of the stadium waiting to get in there and you could even feel the expectation in all the girls and boys that were there. However, when the doors were opened the chaos began. I was with a friend and we had tickets to be in the grounds, so as a common knowledge, you need to be the first one to get in there so you can see the artist, that’s the reason why we start to run.
We got there and stood for a long while waiting for the beginning of the concert, until Justin came out. I remember singing all the songs ‘till the end of it. This concert is one of the remarkable memories that I have.

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Post 10: The last one!

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